Personal Finance

Control your money. Don't let it control you.

Personal Finance is a digital money-management tool, integrated into F&M Trust’s online and mobile banking, that empowers you to take control of your finances and simplify your life. Budgeting, account aggregation, categorization, and mobile access are just a few of the tools to guide you along your way.

Everything in One Place

With F&M Trust's Personal Finance tool, you can see all your accounts in one place.

  • View balances and transactions.
  • Add credit cards, savings accounts, retirement accounts, loans, and even that account at another bank. Don’t worry; we’re still friends.
  • Add other assets like homes, vehicles, and your baseball card collection.

Track your Spending

You can see where your money is going with this handy tool.

  • See how much you are spending on housing, groceries, entertainment, and more.
  • Categorize your spending across all your accounts.
  • Love shoes? Create a customized category to track your spending on your footwear fixation.


Easy to view budget bubbles (literally), so you can see when you are busting your coffee budget.

  • Create your own budget categories and limits.
  • Review your transactions to stay within budget.
  • Review trends to see if you are spending within your means.

Debt Management

See everything you owe and create plans to help you pay down (or off!) your debt.

  • View your loan and credit card balances, payments, and rates.
  • Learn how to pay off your debts faster using different scenarios.


Plan for short-term and long-term financial ambitions.

  • Set savings goals for that dream vacation.
  • Create a plan to pay off that impulse buy.

Cash Flow

See what your cash flow looks like each day and know ahead of time if you can make a big purchase.

  • Track your recurring bills and deposits by scheduling cash events.
  • See the impact of upcoming payments or deposits.
  • Match your cash events to actual transactions.